Website Privacy Policy


Date of update: February 26, 2024

This website (including /and its subpages) is maintained and operated by Qiming Weichuang Venture Capital Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. In this Website Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”), Qiming Weichuang Venture Capital Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and its affiliates are collectively referred to as “Qiming” or “we” / “us”. We recognize the importance of your personal information and will make every effort to keep your information secure and reliable.

The Privacy Policy applies to this website and describes how we collect, use, store, provide and protect your personal information when you use this website. This Privacy Policy does not apply to products or services of Qiming other than this website, nor does it apply to products or services provided by other organizations or individuals. If you have questions about the handling of your personal information by other products or services, please refer to the privacy policy of the relevant product or service. This Privacy Policy does not apply to information collected by third-party service providers under third-party contexts accessed through this website, or to information collected by third parties involved in this website when any such third party provides services under other contexts.

Please read and fully understand this Privacy Policy before using this website. We would like to highlight some of the key provisions of this Privacy Policy by underlining such provisions in bold. You acknowledge and confirm that you have read and fully understood this Privacy Policy before using this website and that you consent to the handling of your personal information in the manner described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not consent to the handling of your personal information in the manner described in this Privacy Policy, please do not provide your personal information through this website or to the contacts listed on this website and stop using this website.

We will explain personal information protection issues to you through this Privacy Policy, and the key points are as follows.
1. How we collect and use your personal information
2. How we provide, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information
3. How we store your personal information
4. How we protect your personal information
5. Your rights
6. Protection of minors
7. Updates of this privacy policy
8. How to contact us

1. How we collect and use your personal information
When you use this website, we may collect and use your personal information in the following ways.

(1) Job applications
To open up job opportunities for the community and to select the right person for the position, we will post a list of positions on our website. When you submit your resume to us through the email address posted on the [Home] - [Careers] page of this website, we will collect the information you submit, including your basic information (name, gender, photo, phone number or email address), education experience (degree, university, major, the start and end time of education), work experience (company name, job title, start and end time of work, description of work experience) and other personal information contained in the resume you provide, so that we can be aware of and review your education and work background to see whether it matches the position you are applying for, and to proceed the recruitment process.

(2) Submitting information or providing suggestions to us via the contact information published on the website
When you call us or deliver materials to us through the contact information published on this website (including sending business plan (BP) and other information via email, or provide your opinions and suggestions to us through the contact email of suggestion/opinion), we will collect the personal information provided by you to give you feedback, including your name and contact information (the personal information type/field collected shall be subject to the content provided by you).

(3) How we use cookies
Qiming uses cookies and similar technologies to help to provide, protect, and improve this website. We may use Flash cookies, pixel labeling, web beacons, server logs and other technology, to collect your page access records, advertising browsing records, the device used to access this website, operating system type, browser type, domain, other system settings, the country and time zone where your device is located, IP address, or other data your browser or device provided, etc. We may use this information to improve our pages, enhance the user experience and target our ads. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can modify your browser setting to decline cookies. These settings are typically located within the “Options” or “Preferences” menu of the browser.
If you choose to decline cookies, some parts of this website may not work as intended or may not work at all.

(4) Exemptions from obtaining consent for the collection and use of personal information in accordance with laws
You acknowledge that we do not need to obtain your authorization or consent to collect and use your personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations in the following circumstances:

  • when it is necessary for the conclusion and performance of the contract to which you are a party;
  • when it is necessary for the performance of our legal duties or obligations;
  • when responding to a public health emergency, or when it is necessary to protect the life, health and property of natural persons in an emergency;
  • to collect and use your personal information within a reasonable range for the purpose of news reporting and public opinion monitoring in the public interest;
  • to collect and use your personal information that you have disclosed on your own or that has been legally disclosed in accordance with laws and regulations and within a reasonable scope; or
  • other circumstances stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

2. How we provide, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information
(1) Provision
We will not provide your personal information to other parties except in the following cases:

  • sharing with explicit consent: we will share your personal information with other parties after obtaining your explicit consent;
  • sharing under legal circumstances: we may share your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations or in response to mandatory requests from judicial or governmental authorities; or
  • sharing with authorized partners: personal information that you provide to us to apply for job positions may be provided to third-party recruitment agencies that we work with.

(2) Transfer
We will not transfer your information to any company, organization or individual, except under the following circumstances:

  • after obtaining your consent;
  • personal information that you disclose to the public or that we are able to obtain from other lawful public sources; or
  • in the event of a merger, acquisition or liquidation involving the transfer of personal information, we will require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy, otherwise we will require the company or organization to re-seek your authorization and consent.

(3) Public disclosure
Subject to applicable laws and regulations, we will not publicly disclose your personal information unless we have obtained your separate consent.

(4) Exemptions from obtaining consent for the provision, transfer, or public disclosure of personal information
You acknowledge that we do not need to obtain your authorization or consent to share, entrust, transfer or publicly disclose your personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations in the following circumstances:

  • when it is necessary for the conclusion and performance of the contract to which you are a party;
  • when it is necessary for the performance of our legal duties or obligations;
  • when responding to a public health emergency, or when it is necessary to protect the life, health and property of natural persons in an emergency;
  • to collect and use your personal information within a reasonable range for the purpose of news reporting and public opinion monitoring in the public interest;
  • to collect and use your personal information that you have disclosed on your own or that has been legally disclosed in accordance with laws and regulations and within a reasonable scope; or
  • other circumstances stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

3. How we store your personal information
(1) Storage location of personal information
Your personal information will be stored in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, China / Macau, China / Taiwan, China) and will not be transferred abroad.

(2) Retention period of personal information
We will retain your personal information for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will retain your personal information for the minimum period of time necessary to fulfill the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy or to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, unless we have obtained your consent otherwise.

4. How we protect your personal information
We attach great importance to the security of your personal information and will take security measures and technical means to store and protect the personal information collected to prevent the loss, destruction or leakage of your personal information. We will carry out data security awareness education and security competence training for our employees to strengthen their understanding of the importance of personal information protection. In the event of a personal information security incident, we will, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, take timely measures to resolve the problems, and we will also inform you of the incident by e-mail or other means as well as report it to the regulatory authorities as required by legal requirements.

5. Your rights
(1) The right to access, copy, and correct personal information
You have the right to access and correct your personal information and to obtain a copy of your personal information, subject to any exceptions provided by law or regulation. You may exercise your legal rights of access, copy and correction by contacting us using the contact information described in Article 8 of this Privacy Policy.

(2) Right to delete personal information
You may request the deletion of your personal information by contacting us via the contact details set out in Article 8 of this Privacy Policy in any of the following circumstances:

  • the handling purpose stated in this Privacy Policy has been achieved or cannot be achieved, or the personal information is no longer necessary to achieve the handling purpose;
  • your personal information retention period has expired;
  • you withdraw your consent;
  • our handling of personal information violates the legal requirements or the agreement with you;
  • other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

Please understand that according to relevant laws and regulations, if the retention period stipulated by laws and regulations has not expired, or it is technically difficult to delete personal information, we will stop handling such personal information except storing and taking necessary security measures.

(3) Right to withdraw consent
Please understand that some basic personal information is required to achieve the purpose stated in this Privacy Policy. For additional personal information collected, you can give or withdraw your authorized consent at any time. Withdrawing the authorized consent may affect our achievement of the purpose stated in this Privacy Policy (including affecting the progress of recruitment), and we will inform you of the impact when you withdraw your authorized consent.
You can apply for withdrawal of consent in the way described in Article 8 of this Privacy Policy. When you withdraw your consent, we will no longer handle the corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the previous personal information handling based on your consent.

(4) Conditional right to transfer personal information to other parties
If you need to transfer your personal information to other platforms, enterprises or organizations, you can contact us in the way described in Article 8 of this Privacy Policy. We will review your request, and subject to the conditions stipulated by the Cyberspace Administration of China, we will provide you with the method to transfer the corresponding personal information.

(5) Right to explanation
You have the right to require us to explain the rules for handling your personal information. If you would like us to explain the handling rules of your personal information, you can contact us in the way described in Article 8 of this Privacy Policy.

(6) Response to your request
You can make a request for personal information rights as stipulated above or by other laws and regulations via the contacting methods in Article 8 of this Privacy Policy. Usually, we will respond to your request within 15 working days. To ensure security, you may need to provide a written request or prove your identity in other ways. We will verify your identity before processing your request.
In principle, we will not charge you any fees for the above reasonable request. We may refuse repeated requests, requests that require too much technical assistance (for example, where new systems need to be developed or existing practices need to be fundamentally changed), and requests that pose risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others or are very unrealistic. But we will explain the corresponding reasons to you when we cannot respond to your request.
Please acknowledge that we may not be able to respond to your request under the following circumstances:

  • where it is related to our performance of obligations stipulated by laws and regulations;
  • where it is related to national security or national defense security;
  • where it is directly related to public safety, public health and major public interests;
  • where it is directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, adjudication and sentence enforcement;
  • where we have sufficient evidence to show that you have intentional malice or abuse of power;
  • where it is difficult to obtain your consent yet it is for the purpose of safeguarding your or other individual’s life, property or other major legitimate rights and interests;
  • where responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations; or
  • where trade secrets are involved.

6. Protection of minors
This website does not provide services for minors. If you are a minor, please do not provide us with your personal information on this website, and do not provide your personal information to the contacts listed on this website.
We will not intentionally collect the personal information of minors for any purpose. If you think that we collect the personal information of minors without the consent of parents/guardians, or if you are the parents or guardians of minors and wish to withdraw their consent, please contact us via the methods described in Article 8 of this Privacy Policy, and we will respond to you and delete such information.

7. Updates of this Privacy Policy
Our business changes from time to time, so we may revise this Privacy Policy in due course. Without your explicit consent, we will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy. We will publish changes to this Privacy Policy on this page. For major changes, we will also provide you with more significant notifications.
The major changes of this Privacy Policy include but are not limited to:

  • significant changes in our service model, such as significant changes in the purpose of handling personal information, the type of personal information handled, the usage of personal information, etc.;
  • significant changes in our ownership structure and organizational structure, such as change of ownership due to business restructuring, bankruptcy and mergers and acquisitions, etc.;
  • changes in the primary recipients of personal information provision, transfer or publicly disclosure;
  • significant changes in your personal information rights and the manner of exercising such rights;
  • changes of our department responsible for handling the security of personal information, our contact details and complaint channels; and
  • when high risks are identified by the personal information protection impact assessment report.

8. How to contact us
If you have any questions about our personal information handling activities, please send emails to [email protected] to provide us with your opinions and suggestions, or to provide your complaints or reporting information. You can also contact us at the following address: Room 3901, Jinmao Tower, 88 Century Boulevard, Shanghai, China.
If you are not satisfied with our reply, especially when you believe that our personal information handling activities infringe upon your legitimate rights and interests, you can seek solution through the following external channels: filing a lawsuit with competent people's courts.