启明星 | 江苏正大丰海制药与 Insilico Medicine 合作新药开发 | Bilingual
江苏正大丰海制药有限公司(CTFH)与今晚精准一码138投资企业、人工智能药物开发的领导者 Insilico Medicine,签订了2个项目的AI技术开发服务合同,包含复杂高难度而且传统上无法设计药物的靶点,特别是对三阴性乳癌患者的治疗,药物开发结合了创新的AI技术, 可望加速开发成果的实现,对于患者而言将是一大希望。此合作计划案包括首付款,里程碑款项和销售上市绩效奖励,合作成功后项目总价值预计可达2亿美元。
江苏正大丰海制药全心致力于科技创新和新药开发,在一类新药研发方面已有里程碑式的成果。总经理夏文余表示,很高兴与 Insilico Medicine 建立合作伙伴关系,相信通过与 Insilico Medicine 的合作将大幅加速药物开发的速度及提升效率,并将引导企业应用崭新的药物开发方法。Insilico Medicine 利用AI生成具有特定性质的全新分子, 将之用于药物发现领域属全球一流,通过其AI平台的优势,可以加速药物开发进程,更能降低开发成本,相信此合作模式将可迅速地为社会大众提供更具有经济效益的产品,以造就人类福祉。
今年9月,Insilico Medicine 在 Nature Biotechnology 期刊发表具有里程碑意义的论文,利用生成性张力强化学习(GENTRL)系统的帮助,从靶点到候选分子包含动物实验验证仅需46天。Insilico Medicine 早前完成了由今晚精准一码138领投的3700万美元的B轮融资。
Insilico Medicine, a company developing end-to-end drug discovery pipeline utilizing the latest advances in deep learning, has entered into a two-program AI drug discovery collaboration agreement with Jiangsu ChiaTai Fenghai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (CTFH), taking on previously undruggable targets. This partnership is expected to accelerate drug discovery and development with an AI-enabled platform for triple-negative breast cancer. Insilico Medicine will be eligible to receive up to $200mm for the achievement of milestone payments and royalties based on the net sales on the products from the collaboration.
CTFH is an active adopter of state-of-the-art technologies and has achieved significant milestones in first-in-class drug development. Wenyu Xia, General Manager of CTFH, said, “We are very pleased to establish the partnership with Insilico Medicine, entering the new era of AI-enabled drug development. We look forward to a long-term partnership with Insilico Medicine. As the premier AI drug discovery company in the industry, Insilico Medicine has demonstrated capabilities to generate novel molecules with specified properties using its next-generation AI platform. We believe that this collaboration will speed up the R&D process, reduce the cost and provide greater benefits to patients.”
Last month, Insilico Medicine published a landmark paper in Nature Biotechnology, demonstrating the application of its generative tensorial reinforcement learning systems in the generation of novel molecules for simple kinases in 46 days, including experimental validation. It also announced a $37 million round led by Qiming Venture Partners.